
Further Forces: Lloyd Bailey

Lloyd Bailey
Lloyd Bailey

Lloyd is a Physics Lecturer at Derby College. His Army career saw him serve in the Royal Engineers for 23 years.

What was your role in the Services?

I served in the Royal Engineers as a training instructor and senior training instructor for 23 years. This involved developing high-quality training materials and providing ongoing advice, guidance and instruction to various ranks. I have instructed in all walks of life and in a range of subjects and situations, including to Afghan and Kenyan civilians, and wanted to pursue the teaching and learning aspects of my role when I left the Services.

Why the Further Forces Programme?

Education is the most important aspect of a person’s existence. It teaches the skills required for life and future employment, as well as how to communicate with, and act and react towards, peers and others. I had wanted to teach for a number of years, fuelled by positive experiences of school and the characters of the teaching staff, and a passion for helping others to excel. Further Education teaching sounded appealing to me and the Further Forces programme offered plenty of expert advice and support to help me secure a role as a Physics Lecturer in my local area.

How has the Programme been of benefit to you so far?

Once I enrolled on the programme, I was sent a trainee profile template which I completed with all of my existing experience and qualifications. The team used it to help me secure an appropriate employment contract in the Further Education sector, offering significant support with reviewing and refining my application. I have been allocated a subject expert mentor who is able to offer me further advice, guidance and support during my teaching role, and I am keen to further enhance my subject knowledge and teaching expertise with the support of the Further Forces team.

What do you see yourself doing in the future?

I had already completed various qualifications whilst in my MoD role and now wish to focus on enhancing my knowledge and skills undertaking the Postgraduate Certificate in Education programme at Derby College. I am also pursuing various other short course qualifications that will help me to enhance my skills and become a great asset in my new career as a teacher.

Details of the Programme are available on the Further Forces web page.