
SET for Teaching Success: Steven Cottle

Steven Cottle of Wiltshire College discusses his background in engineering, how the SET for Teaching Success programme has helped him find establish a new career in FE, and his aspiration to attain .

What did you do before the SET for Teaching Success programme?

I was working in an engineering factory prior to starting on the programme. I also worked in an independent garage before this.

What do you think about the SET for Teaching Success programme?

It is a good way to collaborate with other people who are in a similar situation to you. Its good to share our experiences and ideas as it can help you develop listening to what other people are doing in their teaching.

How has the SET for Teaching Success programme developed you, changed the way you do things or interact with students?

I found the guest speaker who talked to us about behaviour management particularly useful. They had techniques and ideas which have helped me to adopt a more confident approach to dealing with students who present disruptive and negative behaviours. I also appreciated the fact that there was an opportunity for discussion on innovative approaches others have used in their classroom management.

What do you like about teaching in Further Education?

I think its two-fold; the sense of achievement and pride I feel is directly linked to the success enjoyed by my students. Their achievements are linked to what Ive done and thats a really good feeling.

What inspired you to want to teach a SET subject?

You always remember the good teachers you had. I was lucky to have some great teachers when I was at school and they have always stayed with me. Their example has helped to inspire me and sparked my interest in teaching. Im hoping I can be someones good teacher and inspire them.

What have been the benefits so far from the SET for Teaching Success Programme?

There have been many benefits for me. The bursary and help with costs have been invaluable, without those I wouldnt have been able to sign-up for the programme. On the programme, I have been given access to a wealth of ideas for delivering lessons and insights into T Levels, which is really important for SET subjects. The programme has also provided useful information and tips on learning technologies.

Do you have any future plans and aspirations?

I would like to look into advanced teacher status and see how far I can progress in the FE community.

For details of how to apply for the SET for Teaching Success programme, please visit the programme page.