
Teacher Recruitment

Teaching in Further Education

This webpage provides information and advice if you are thinking about becoming a teacher in the FE and training sector. You’ll also find information about how to develop your career if you are already working in the sector.

For further information and guidance about becoming a teacher in the FE and training sector please visit the .

For one-to-one advice you can call the Teach in Further Education helpline on 0800 389 2502. Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9.00am – 5.30pm. You can also email teach.fe@education.gov.uk

If you are a technical expert and are interested in training to become a teacher in FE & Skills, the Taking Teaching Further scheme might be appropriate: for more information email TTF.ENQUIRIES@education.gov.uk

This site is organised according to the enquirer type to ease your path to the most relevant information. Click below on the most appropriate pathway.

Choose a pathway

teacher and two students in classroom

I want to work in the FE and Training sector

Routes, pay and rewards and finding a teaching job in FE.
early career teacher

Information for returners

Information for those interested in returning to teaching in FE.
male science teacher explaining molecular model to two pupils

I already work in the sector

Information on best practice to gain full qualifications for your FE job.
Governors talking

I am an employer/HR/manager in the sector

Information on the framework for teaching qualifications.